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Priapus: The Greek god of fertility


A specific way of using blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the penis. It is a breakthrough, clinically-proven, safe and effective procedure to help you *increase penis size, sexual performance and overall sexual wellness, without the use of any drugs or surgery.


  • Do you struggle with decreased sensation?

  • Is your erection not as firm as it once was, or not staying firm enough for the duration of sex?

  • Not as BIG as you once were?

  • Do you have an angle that causes pain or inability to have relations? (Peyronie’s Disease)

Benefits of the

Although each man’s experience *varies

  • Increased size of penis

  • Strengthened penis

  • Straightened penis

  • Increased circulation within the penis for a healthier organ

  • Increased sensation and pleasure

  • No allergic reactions (using your own body’s fluids)

  • No lumpiness

  • Minimal to no discomfort


  1. A numbing lidocaine cream is applied to the penis.

  2. A small amount of blood is drawn from the arm. Using a centrifuge, one of our doctors isolates platelets from that blood (platelet rich plasma, or PRP), all within about 15 minutes in the office. The platelets are then “activated” to release at least eight growth factors that would normally be used to heal injured tissue. These growth factors work like magic to cause increased collagen and new blood flow.

  3. The liquid is transferred into a syringe and injected into the numb penis (with a tiny needle) using a method that distributes the growth factors in the proper way.


The results of this safe, non-surgical 20-minute procedure are dramatic and long lasting.

*Most men will see their erections improve by 5-7 points on this scale. This means that you go up by an average of one point on each question.

Few things in medicine will work exactly the same for all people receiving the same treatment. *About 60% of men improve after the first PRP shot and approximately 85% are thrilled after their second shot.


It typically takes about 12 weeks to see the full effect, and some men may require a series of two or three PRP shots, spaced 8 to 12 weeks in between, to reach their desired potential.

A penis pump may be recommended post procedure but will be further discussed to your provider. 

Things that may cause
the MEN's Shot to be
less effective 

  • Smoking

  • Lack of exercise

  • Vascular disease

  • Not using the penis pump, as prescribed, for at least six weeks

  • Diabetes



Read a journal article showing improvement of erectile function with PRP in Walnut Creek.


Read a journal article showing the preservation of nerve tissue (and erectile function) in the penis with radical prostatectomy.

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